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Beagles are small, active, and energetic dogs who love children and other pets. They are smart, loyal, and playful. They have strong noses and enjoy sniffing around. Beagles are great hunters, and they're happy to follow their noses wherever they lead. Beagles originated as hunting dogs, but now they're more commonly kept as companions or family dogs.

They come in many different colors including black, brown, blue, tan, red, white, and yellow.

More About This Breed

Beagles are friendly, playful, and affectionate dogs. Their eyes are brown or hazel, and they have a soft, appealing face. They are very intelligent and trainable. They love to play and learn tricks. They also enjoy going for walks and swimming.

Beagles are dogs who search for smells. Their noses are more sensitive than ours, and they can smell things we can't. Beagles have a lot of sense of humor. A famous example was when a man had a dog named Beagle. He took him to the airport to go through security. When they got there, the dog started barking. The guard told the man to take the dog away because he couldn't leave the dog alone. The man said, "I'm taking my dog to the airport!"

The Beagles were a huge success. Their size made them nonthreatening to people who are afraid of large dogs. With their super noses, they could be trained by humans to identify specific food items while bypassing those that aren't contraband. Now, members of the Beagle Brigade patrol the baggage claim areas at more than 20 US airports and other points of entrance into the USA.

Beagles are very smart dogs who love to hunt. They're great at finding small prey. In fact, many countries have competitions for hunting beagles.


Beagles are hard to train but they're worth it. Crate training is essential. Beagles need to be supervised while outside. Beagles are popular pets among thieves. Beagles are also used as experimental subjects. Make sure your Beagle is microchipped!

Beagles are loyal dogs who love to follow their master around. They are very smart and trainable. They have a strong sense of smell and can easily learn commands. They are also known for being stubborn. They need to be trained by someone who knows how to handle them.

Beagles love to eat! They are chow hounds who will overeat if given the opportunity. Keep your cupboards closed and secure your garbage cans. Otherwise, your Beagles may sniff out the foods they like the most.

Dogs are loyal companions who protect their owners and families. They love to eat, but they don't get into fights unless provoked. They won't attack strangers unless there is something in it for them.


Beagles are dogs bred for hunting. They were originally used by hunters to help them locate game. Beagles are also known as bloodhounds because of their ability to follow trails made by blood. Their name comes from the sound they make when they bark.

Beagles were originally used by the British military to hunt rabbits. They were also used for hunting foxes. Their name comes from the French word béguin meaning "little she-wolf". They were developed into two distinct types. The Beagle was bred for its ability to chase down game, while the Foxhound was bred for its stamina. Both were used to hunt foxes. In the 18th century, the Beagle became popular among sportsmen. Today, the Beagle is still used for hunting foxes and other small mammals.

Beagles are small dogs that originated in England. They were first used as hunting dogs but later became pets. Their popularity grew during the reigns of Edward III (1327-1377) and Richard II (1367-1400). These dogs had a distinctive voice, and were often trained to sing.

Elizabeth I was the first Queen of England. She was born in 1533, and she died in 1603. Her reign lasted 63 years. She was known as the Virgin Queen because she never married or had children. She was also called Bloody Mary because she persecuted Protestants. She was nicknamed Bloody Mary because of her persecution of Protestant Christians.

Beagles are beautiful hunting dogs. Their ancestors came from England in the 1800s. They are good hunters because of their intelligence and ability to learn quickly.
Beagles are small dog breeds used for hunting rabbits. Their short stature makes them easy to handle. They are also known as hounds because they hunt by scent.
Patch beagles are a breed of dog that was originally bred to hunt rabbits. They are known for being extremely fast and agile. Their spots are usually white with a black triangle on the chest. They are also known as "lemon" beagles.

The National Beagle Club was founded in 1916 by 5 men. Their goal was to hold field trials for beagles. They bought 508 acres in Western Virginia for this purpose. Today, the National Beagle Club is located there.


Beagles are friendly dogs that love to play. They're great with children and are very tolerant. They're also very energetic and need plenty of exercise. They're independent but can be trained to do tricks. They bark and howl.


Major concerns: intervertebrae disk disease, congenital heart disease, glaucoma, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, hypothyroidism. Minor concerns: cherry eye, patellar luxations, chondrodystrophy, kennel cough, demodex mites, umbilical hernias, Musladin-leukodystrophy syndrome. Occasionally seen: deafnes, hemophilia A. Life span: 12 to 15 years.

Best Food for Beagle Puppies

Puppies need to be fed a high-quality diet that contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and antioxidants to support their developing brains and eyesight as well as their immune systems.
A growing puppy needs to eat Purina puppy chow. This is the best dog food for puppies.
Click here to know more about Good Beagle Food.